NEW YEAR'S EVE CHAMPIONSHIPS: Plowman, Sorcova, Goat or Bear. Picturesque traditions and meanings

 NEW YEAR'S EVE CHAMPIONSHIPS: Plowman, Sorcova, Goat or Bear. Picturesque traditions and meanings

The moment of transition to the new year is accompanied by a series of picturesque customs and traditions, preserved from generation to generation, in certain rural areas of the country. Sorcova, the Plowman, walking with the Goat or the Bea

Going or Walking with the Goat
It is a custom that usually lasts from Christmas to the New Year. It is executed by a young man disguised as a goat, with a fur on his back. The goat and her companions go from house to house, dancing at everyone's doorstep, on the eve of New Year's Eve.

Walking with the Bear or the Bear Game
A young man wears the fur of an animal on his shoulders and shoulders, adorned in front of his ears with red tassels, accompanied by a crowd of carolers. The mask is led by a "Bear", accompanied by musicians and often followed by a whole procession of characters (including a child in the role of "bear cub"). Drums are played or played on the whistle, and the mask mutters and mimics the bear's footsteps, pacing loudly.

On New Year's Eve, a group of haters consisting of two to twenty newlyweds or newlyweds leave the house to wish with the Plowman or to "hunt" as they say in Moldova. Today, Plugușorul also wishes the children well. The plow is always accompanied by shouts, whips and the sound of bells. 


It is a popular custom, practiced on January 1st. It is especially the joy of children. They wear a branch sprouted from a tree or a twig made of a stick around which flowers of colored paper have been woven. Sorcova somewhat plays the role of a magic wand, endowed with the ability to transmit vigor and youth to the target.

Sorcova, vesela,
Să trăiți, să-mbătrâniți,
Ca un măr, ca un păr,
Ca un fir de trandafir,
Tare ca piatra,
Iute ca săgeata,
Tare ca fierul,
Iute ca oțelul.
La anul și la mulți ani!

On New Year's Eve, a special place is occupied by caroling and groups of carolers who, after wishing health, abundance, joy, etc., receive rolls as a gift.


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