The Goat (Jocul caprei)


The Goat (Capra)


            Romania is a rich country when it comes to traditions and superstitions. Modern Romanians only keep a few of them, but many of the old traditions can be discovered in the countryside, in remote areas of the country.

            In the countryside, the carolling tradition comes in different forms. There is the simple carolling, which involves only people singing, and there are special carols, which include dancing and more complex performances. The latter are usually to be found in villages, but you might see some street performances in cities as well.


           A special carol is called Capra (the Goat). In this case, one or several carollers dress up as goats and dance to a pipe tune. The Goat shows the complexity of the dance, mime, dialogue, stage props, all these will create a unique show, accompanied by musical instruments drums, flutes, violins or „cobze”. The theme of the show is bringing the goat from mountains to be sold, but it is charmed and, finally, it dies. But the old woman’s characters make charms on the rhythm of the drum, and the goat is raised to the delight of all.

     Adrian Prodea & Monica L, Amalia L, Alin B, Denisa A, Vlad B



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