
Showing posts from December, 2021

CHRISTMAS FAIR "Near Santa Claus"

 Santa's Fair, which took place on December 22, 2001, has already become a tradition in our school, and it is a real joy for the students. They confessed, prepared various items that they now sold at the fair to colleagues, parents and teachers. With the money raised they will do a charity event for a colleague, to organize celebrations or parties. The activity aimed to raise awareness among students around the winter holidays to help the saddest like us.


 Exhibition: CHRISTMAS TREE           Traditionally, around the winter holidays, the students of the Vocational School no.1, Cahul organizes with the contribution of the library, a Fair of Christmas trees. The variety of materials used in their manufacture was diverse. It should be noted that the fir trees were made of natural or recyclable materials. 
  Romania's Goat Dance Capra is the name of a traditional Romanian dance, performed around New Year. A man will dress up as a goat. He wears a multicolored costume and is accompanied by a group of singers during Christmas night. The goat will jump and dance, trying to scare the host. The custom involves props, literary and musical texts and dance. The goat costume is made up of a wooden head, whose lower jaw bone is loose so it can clatter, and multicolored horns that are adorned with mirrors, beads, colored tassels and ribbons, bells and goat or rabbit fur. The costume’s body is made up of thick fabric. It can be made of wool, a carpet or goat fur. Its main function is to hide the one who is wearing it. In some regions, the goat’s dance is performed on New Year’s Eve.                                    Made by Cosmin T.
                  Christmas Tree decoration Christmas in Romania undoubtedly the most tradition-filled time of the year. Many of these traditions are very old and quite unique to Romania. Others are newer and most likely borrowed .  Although some customs may differ from region to region, Christmas in Romania is celebrated in the same manner throughout the country. This particular Christmas tradition is common to many Christian countries, so it’s not specific to Romania. The Christmas celebration really begins when it’s time to decorate the Christmas tree. Romanians usually buy their Christmas tree just a couple of days before Christmas and they decorated together, as a family, on Christmas Eve. The Christmas tree stays in the house till January 7. Made by Ilarion C.

The Game about Nardugan celebration created by Bakmtal1 Efe Can

  Read the blog post shared by Efe : The Game about Nardugan celebration created by Bakmtal1 Efe Can

NEW YEAR'S EVE CHAMPIONSHIPS: Plowman, Sorcova, Goat or Bear. Picturesque traditions and meanings

  NEW YEAR'S EVE CHAMPIONSHIPS: Plowman, Sorcova, Goat or Bear. Picturesque traditions and meanings The moment of transition to the new year is accompanied by a series of picturesque customs and traditions, preserved from generation to generation, in certain rural areas of the country. Sorcova, the Plowman, walking with the Goat or the Bea Going or Walking with the Goat It is a custom that usually lasts from Christmas to the New Year. It is executed by a young man disguised as a goat, with a fur on his back. The goat and her companions go from house to house, dancing at everyone's doorstep, on the eve of New Year's Eve. Walking with the Bear or the Bear Game A young man wears the fur of an animal on his shoulders and shoulders, adorned in front of his ears with red tassels, accompanied by a crowd of carolers. The mask is led by a "Bear", accompanied by musicians and often followed by a whole procession of characters (including a child in the role of "bear c...
  Christmas decorations A very popular activity on the occasion of the winter holidays is the handmade decorations with a little imagination and talent. These are not only a way to have a home decorated in a unique way, but also an opportunity to have a pleasant family activity on a background of carols, while the aroma of freshly baked cookies attracts us with little great around the same table.   Going on the premise of a family Christmas (in our case the family is the school) with unique decorations made in groups, we made in the creative workshop various ornaments with which we decorated our classes, and some of them were used in at the Christmas Fair. From the money obtained, gifts were bought that will be offered to families with material difficulties, thus bringing them a ray of hope and joy in their souls.  

Winter customs, strictly kept in the south of Moldova

Hundreds of years old winter customs and holidays are strictly kept in the south of Moldova.      The artistic collectives from Cahul and Cantemir districts prove every year that in their hometowns there are the most beautiful traditions. The groups compete in the "Goat, Turkish, breaza" festival, which takes place in the village of Crihana Veche, Cahul district.      The participants disguise themselves as goats, bears and babes and parade on a stage and present to the public the ancestral traditions they pass on from generation to generation.       There are various goats: it is the goat of the little ones, the goat of the teenagers that goes to the chindii and from now on the goat of the adults that goes to a piece of night and until dawn, all go and carol.      After the goat leaves the household, the farmers gather the ribbons from the goat's costume and put them in the hen's house, on the cattle, and it is said that these...
SORCOVA   “Sorcova” is a special bouquet used for New Year’s wishes early New Year’s morning. Children wish people a “Happy New Year!” while touching them lightly with this bouquet. After they have wished a Happy New Year to the members of their family, the children go to the neighbors and relatives. Traditionally, the “Sorcova” bouquet was made up of one or several fruit – tree twigs (apple-tree, pear-tree, cherry-tree, plum-tree); all of them are put into water, in warm place, on November 30th (St. Andrew’s Day), in order to bud and to blossom on New Year’s Eve. Sorcova, vesela, Sã trãiti, sã-mbãtrâniti, Ca un mãr, ca un pãr, Ca un fir de trandafir, Tare ca piatra, Iute ca sãgeata, Tare ca fierul, Iute ca otelul, Peste varã, primavarã, Nici capul sã nu te doarã, La anu’ si la multi ani ! Merry Sorcova, May your health be strong And you life long: As an apple tree As a pear stately As a rose bush fair Blossoming beyond compare: Strong as a granite rock Quick as an arrow’s shock Ha...
  Romanian Christmas Sweet Bread – Cozonac It’s that time of the year when people all around the country are baking this delicious dessert which is traditionally served during Christmas – it’s called  cozonac . Cozonac is a sweet bread which contains milk, yeast, eggs, sugar, butter, oil and salt, which are mixed together and allowed to rise before baking. Depending on the region, Romanian   cozonac   is filled with raisins, Turkish delight, nuts, poppy seed cream, and can be braided in 2 or even 3. A Romanian Christmas table is simply not complete without this delicious dessert – a hand-kneaded sweet bread with a chopped nuts and cocoa cream, which can be enhanced with raisins and Turkish delight bits. Made by Loredana C. and Alexandru P.
Sowing, New Year's agricultural tradition This tradition consists in the interpretation of of some traditional songs and poems, of some incantations and abundant wishes for the new and specific year. This custom is also that of throwing in the host's house of cereal seeds, a sign of abundance of harvests, fertility and health for the coming year. 🎄🎅🎉 Made by Alexandra Z.

The Goat (Jocul caprei)

  The Goat (Capra)                Romania is a rich country when it comes to traditions and superstitions. Modern Romanians only keep a few of them, but many of the old traditions can be discovered in the countryside, in remote areas of the country.             In the countryside, the carolling tradition comes in different forms. There is the simple carolling, which involves only people singing, and there are special carols, which include dancing and more complex performances. The latter are usually to be found in villages, but you might see some street performances in cities as well.               A special carol is called Capra (the Goat). In this case, one or several carollers dress up as goats and dance to a pipe tune. The Goat  shows the complexity...

New Year's superstitions in Romania

    Most of Romanians attend parties and friend gatherings on New Year’s Eve, and stay up till late to watch the fireworks and to welcome the New Year’s Day.  Many superstitions such as wearing red clothes at the New Year’s party or having some money in your pockets, are well known in Romania. For example, red clothes symbolize good luck and having money in your pocket at 00.00 means you will be wealthy all year long.  Other superstitions: -  Make noise to drive away evil spirits -  Carry rice in your pockets at midnight (it  will bring you prosperity during the new year) -  Don't throw anything out of the house on the day  on the 31st of December and 1st of January (you will throw away your luck together with the dust and garbage) -  If the first person who visits you on the 1st of January is a brunette man, it will bring good luck. It’s believed that blonde or redheaded women bring bad luck. ( Don't be upset, girls. It's just a superst...

The Christmas Tree

                Decorating the Christmas Tree is one of the most common traditions we have.To be specific the Christmas Tree is a fir with ornaments.The Christmas Tree is indispensable,especially in Christmas homes.It is a symbol of the birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ,as the fir's branches are evergreen.        The fir is usually decorated with baubles,garlands,tree lights and sweet.The more, the merrier.        After you decorate it, all you have to do is wait for Santa to drop the gifts through your chimney.If he likes the way you decorated your Christmas Tree, he might be more generous.         My students: Andreea A., Delia B., Denisa N., Lavinia D., Teofil C .                                                    

Nardugan celebration

  In the past, pre-islamic term; Turkish people believed in shamanism and were celebarting new year with, decorating trees and they called this special day as "Nardugan Bayramı" (Nardugan Celebration). When the celebration days came, they wear something special, meet with all their relatives and cook special dishes. They were celebrating the New year between 21-22 December, the longest night of the year. They called this as "Rebirth Celebration". They also had a belief called "Tree Of Life" which is symbolized with "Akçam Ağacı" was around their interests. They decorate "Akçam Ağacı" with colored cloth fragments, putting presents under tree during ceremony, wishs persents. it is supposed that where new year tree came from. and also can be seen the more information and the debate about this celebration.


Friends and relatives are invited to the New Year's celebrations; Some houses are decorated, gifts are given, special meals are made. Older generations used to play bingo on New Year's Eve. Before natural gas, every house had a stove, and another important tradition of the old New Year's Eve parties was to roast chestnuts on the stove while playing bingo. New Year's Eve celebrations at home become more fun with TV programs special for the New Year. In big cities such as Istanbul and Ankara, fireworks this plays are held where we will witness magnificent views, we gather in the important squares of the city and have fun until midnight.